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Slacker for Streaming Music to BlackBerry

The stereotype that BlackBerry only was used by professional and pebisnis to support the productivity and their work was increasingly weakened. Currently, BlackBerry then increasingly stable in the market retail. Not only in the segment of the business, his equipment is currently popular in the segment of entertainment. That could be marked by the height of the traffic download for an application streaming Slacker music that touched the figure 1 million download.

This figure was fantastic enough to remember the Slacker application to BlackBerry just was produced four months set. Slacker enabled user to access the service of Internet radio through BlackBerry. Was different from Pandora, Slacker provided the station cache, so as user could listen to music although they did not have the internet connection mobile.
Slacker was available for OS BlackBerry the version 4,3 above, like Bold, Storm, and Javelin. This application was free and was ready to be used. Besides this, Slacker the version of the premium also was available with the price US$ 3.99 or around Rp 43 thousand. With the version of the premium, user could the wave service was unlimited and was not offered the advertisement. “Pengguna said was satisfied enough with the quality audio Slacker. And, his combination with the musical library maya biggest for the application of personal radio that was integrated in BlackBerry became the important factor that made Slacker become the best choice penggunanya,” said Jonathan Sasse, senior VP marketing Slacker dalan his official statement to Information Week, that was quoted VIVAnews, on Friday May 1 2009.
Research In Motion (RIM), the provider of the service and equipment BlackBerry, said the customer retail him currently grew very fast. According to the last data, the number of customers retail him has more than 40 percent of the total customer BlackBerry that the amount around 25 million. To enlarge this figure, RIM enriched the service for the customer retail him. One of them by launching App World the previous month. At that point, RIM hoped the App World presence could be accepted in the market well was proper for App Store belonging to Apple, the application kiosk for the user iPhone and iPod Touch.

1 comment:

  1. For my blackberry i try to find like this, thanks for this information its highly valuable for me,The stereotype that BlackBerry only was used by professional and pebisnis to support the productivity and their work was increasingly weakened.yes its true it helps me too
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